SELECT `pinfo`.`sku`,`pinfo`.`vendor`, IF(`pinfo`.`multi_level_pricing_check`=1,(`mlrp`.`cost`/`mlrp`.`min_qty`),IF(CURDATE() >= `ds`.`expiration_date`, `ds`.`price`, `crp`.`contract_price`)) AS `price`, CONCAT(IF(`pinfo`.`vendor`=2,`desc_long`,`desc_short`),' ',`pinfo`.`sku`,' ',`category_1`,' ',`category_2`,' ',`category_3`,' ',`category_4`,' ',IF(`pinfo`.`vendor`=2,`sales_copy`,`desc_long`),' ',IF(`dealer_sku`!='',`dealer_sku`,''),' ',`manufacturer_name`,' ',`color`) AS `search_string` FROM `product_info` `pinfo` INNER JOIN `vendor_base_costs` `vbcc` ON `pinfo`.`sku`=`vbcc`.`sku` LEFT JOIN `contract_price_1` AS `crp` ON `crp`.`sku`=`pinfo`.`sku` LEFT JOIN `bestseller_priority_detail` AS `bpd` ON `pinfo`.`sku`=`bpd`.`sku` LEFT JOIN `bestseller_priority_master` AS `bpm` ON `bpm`.`list_id`=`bpd`.`list_id` LEFT JOIN `dealer_special` AS `ds` ON `ds`.`sku`=`pinfo`.`sku` AND CURDATE() BETWEEN `ds`.`start_date` AND `ds`.`expiration_date` LEFT JOIN `multi_level_retail_price` AS `mlrp` ON `mlrp`.`sku`=`pinfo`.`sku` AND `mlrp`.`preferred_vendor`=`pinfo`.`preferred_vendor` AND (`mlrp`.`cost`/`mlrp`.`min_qty`)>0 WHERE (`category_id` IN ('60323')) AND `pinfo`.`status` IN ('active','discontinued','out_of_stock','spl_call_for_price') AND `pinfo`.`desc_title` != '' AND `online_status`=1 AND `custom_sku_enable`=1 AND CASE WHEN `pinfo`.`multi_level_pricing_check`=1 THEN TRUE ELSE `crp`.`contract_price`>0 END AND `pinfo`.`sku` NOT IN (SELECT `alias_sku` FROM `internal_alias_detail`) GROUP BY `pinfo`.`sku` ORDER BY ISNULL(`bpm`.`list_priority`) ASC, `bpm`.`list_priority` ASC, ISNULL(`bpd`.`priority`) ASC, `bpd`.`priority` ASC, CASE WHEN `pinfo`.`sku` LIKE '%PencilSharpenerCutters' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, CASE WHEN MATCH(`desc_short`) AGAINST ('PencilSharpenerCutters' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, CASE WHEN `pinfo`.`vendor`=2 THEN IF(MATCH(`desc_long`, `manufacturer_name`, `color`) AGAINST ('+PencilSharpenerCutters' IN BOOLEAN MODE),4,0) ELSE CASE WHEN MATCH (`keywords`) AGAINST ('"PencilSharpenerCutters"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND MATCH (`desc_title`) AGAINST ('"PencilSharpenerCutters"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 4 ELSE IF(MATCH (`desc_title`) AGAINST ('"PencilSharpenerCutters"' IN BOOLEAN MODE),3,IF(MATCH (`keywords`) AGAINST ('"PencilSharpenerCutters"' IN BOOLEAN MODE),2,IF(MATCH(`desc_title`, `manufacturer_name`, `color`) AGAINST ('+PencilSharpenerCutters' IN BOOLEAN MODE),1,0))) END END DESC,CASE WHEN IF(`pinfo`.`vendor`=2,`category_3` ='PencilSharpenerCutters',`category_4` ='PencilSharpenerCutters') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, CASE WHEN `desc_short` LIKE 'PencilSharpenerCutters,%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, SUBSTR(`pinfo`.`desc_title`, 1, LOCATE('PencilSharpenerCutters', `pinfo`.`desc_title`)) DESC

We're sorry, there were no matches for "Pencil-Sharpener-Cutters" on our site.

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